Matchstick Series Drawings by Charly Fasano

Don’t play with matches, don’t play with fire. A dumped box of easy strikes is the chaos before the blaze.

Matchstick Series drawings by Charly Fasano are riffed abstract configurations created with acrylic paint pen on 16x20 inch canvas. He looks at every piece as a different jumbo box of matches dumped on the floor. It is an exercise recognizing certain patterns upon first impression, then using that quick glance as a template for composition and fluidity. From there, Fasano randomly lets the shape “run” around the canvas similar to how a fire starts and spreads. He is also working on using more “static” patterns that resemble shapes of bird wings, cascading water, hanging fruit, bee-hives or whatever the viewer decides it is for themselves.

He is currently working on Matchstick drawings that are 30x30 inches and more to explore where he can go with this idea on a larger and larger scale. Enjoy these pieces and stay tuned for more coming soon.

These drawings are available at our webshop by clicking HERE!

Matchstick Series drawing #1 by Charly Fasano.
Matchstick Series drawing #3 by Charly Fasano.
Matchstick Series drawing #22 by Charly Fasano.
Matchstick Series drawing #11 by Charly Fasano.
Matchstick Series drawing #34 by Charly Fasano.

New Cheap's Littles Paintings Are Here


Percolator Drawings Part 1 by Charly Fasano